The Happiness Hypothesis

The Happiness Hypothesis

by Jonathan Haidt


Note: This summary is incomplete. I seem to have lost most of my notes; what follows are two pages worth recovered from a notepad I found in an old travel bag.


Why Meaning?

1) An era of abundance and freedom from the struggle to survive

2) Generational aging of the baby boom

3) Overwhelming information and choice


The World Values Survey: 58% of Americans think often about the meaning and purpose of life


Neuroscience shows the physiological basis for religion:

"Studies of our biological constitution make it increasingly clear that we are social creatures of meaning, who crave a sense of coherence and purpose. Yet, our modern way of life seems to provide fewer and fewer opportunities to engage in the group life that satisfies these human needs--indeed, many of its structures and institutions stunts these very needs."

--Steven R. Quartz



Mitnoff and Denton: "A Spiritual Audit of Corporate America"


Robert White: "The Effectance Motive"


Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi: "Vital Engagement"


Csikszentmihalyi, Howard Gardner, William Damon: When doing good matches up with doing well, a profession is healthy


People gain a sense of meaning when their lives cohere across the three levels of their existence:


David Sloan Wilson: Group Selection (competition between groups)


Mystical experience = when the sense of self is turned off


How it all fits together