Originally posted here:
1. Never again will I pity or belittle myself.
There is no reasons to put your self down (or anybody else for that matter). Each of us have greatness inside. Never let another’s negative opinion of you become your life’s definition.
2. Never again will I greet the dawn without a map.
Live with intent. Do not wander through life wondering where you are going. Think about your goals, what you want to accomplish. Be purpose-driven. Dream big. Walk with direction.
3. Always will I bathe my days in the golden glow of enthusiasm.
Having enthusiasm makes a great difference in your task, even if you do not like what you are doing. Use this zest for life to make your present conditions better. Eagerness can go a long, long way. It is contagious. Pretty soon, everybody around you will be buoyed with your spirit, clouds clearing with your passion and enthusiasm.
4. Never again will I be disagreeable to a living soul.
I may disagree but I will not be disagreeable. Each one carries with him his own set of worries and concern. I do not wish to add to them, nor would I wish them to add to mine through unpleasantness of character. It’s not worth the time and effort.
5. Always will I seek the seed of triumph in every adversity.
In all my mistakes, I will seek to understand. If I fail, I will learn and do better. When troubles come, I will focus on what can be done and what good can come out of the situation.
6. Never again will I perform any task at less than my best.
Half-hearted will be deleted from my vocabulary. anything that I aim to do should be done best and done right.
7. Always will I throw my whole self into the task at hand.
I will give undivided attention to what I am doing. I will not be distracted by worries and fears.
8. Never again will I wait and hope for opportunity to embrace me.
I will initiate. I will be proactive. There will never be the perfect time, the perfect place nor the perfect situation. I will create my own opportunities. My success depends on me, not on anybody else.
9. Never will I examine, each night, my deeds of the fading day.
I will review what transpired during the day. Am I doing what I am supposed to do? based on my goals and to-do list, I will assess if i have earned my keep and vow to make things better.
10. Always will I maintain contact, through prayer, with my Creator.
At all times, God will be by my side. All things for God’s greater glory.
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