Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude

Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude

by Napoleon Hill and W. Clement Stone


ISBN: 0-671-74322-8


The core message of Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude is that you have what the authors refer to as an "invisible talisman" which you can use for either positive or negative results.  The talisman is your own mind, and you are the one who determines whether you will "flip" the talisman to the side of PMA (a Positive Mental Attitude) or NMA (a Negative Mental Attitude.)  Since you determine which side of the talisman you will use, you are the most important person in the world.


The book lists and explains 17 Success Principles:


  1. A Positive Mental Attitude
  2. Definiteness of Purpose
  3. Going the Extra Mile
  4. Accurate Thinking
  5. Self-Discipline
  6. The Mastermind
  7. Applied Faith
  8. A Pleasing Personality
  9. Personal Initiative
  10. Enthusiasm
  11. Controlled Attention
  12. Teamwork
  13. Learning from Defeat
  14. Creative Vision
  15. Budgeting Time and Money
  16. Maintaining Sound Physical and Mental Health
  17. Using Cosmic Habit Force (Universal Law)


Throughout the book, each of the principles is explained in detail, and the reader is encouraged to put them into practice.